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Tips on hosting a great Thanksgiving Hero

Tips on hosting a great Thanksgiving

November 14th, 2023

The holidays are here. Being the Thanksgiving host with the most is easy. You’ve always got a sophisticated ambiance in your luxury apartments and scenic natural surroundings at The Triton. Here are some other tips & tricks to make it a Thanksgiving to remember.

Make a list of shopping, tasks, etc. It always feels good to check things off when they’re done.

Delegate. Accept help and delegate tasks. Together more gets done.

Make the turkey the day before. The turkey is the star of the show and takes the most time to prep and cook. Do it the day before to ensure that big task is out of the way.

Set the table the night before.

Have your guests bring some dishes. Divide and conquer leads to delicious results.

Most of all, enjoy the time together and have fun.

On behalf of the entire team at The Triton, have a happy and safe Thanksgiving. We thank you for choosing The Triton as your place to live and thrive in Silicon Valley. These new apartments for rent in Foster City have it all!